Papers and Presentations
Topics and titles which Rob Kennaley has presented in publications or in seminar format include:
The Construction Law Amendment Act, 2017
Navigating Everyday Construction Law Landmines: Best Practices for Smooth Digging
A Primer on Shop Drawings
A Case Study: Where a Written Change Order is Required But Not Obtained
On Consequential Loss (a two-part series)
Deficiencies and Fundamental Breach of a Construction Contract
A Case Study: of Underlying Work and Contractual Clarity
Legal Considerations for Design Consultants in Construction
Liability and Property Insurance Policies in Construction
A Case Study on Tendering IssuesThe Construction Trust: Understanding Your Rights and Obligations
The Glossary of Construction Law Terms (a three part series)
Construction Insurance: An Overview
Practical Considerations: Emerging Issues in Bidding and Tendering
Bonds in Construction
The Duty of Fairness in the Law of Tendering in Canada: An Ever Changing Landscape
The Construction Lien Act for Home-Builders and Developers
Hold Harmless Provisions in the Construction Contract
Managing the Risk of Change in the Construction Context
The Prime Contract and the Obligations of the Subcontractor
Termination of a Contract: Things to Think About Before Stopping the Work
Contracts, Liens and Collecting the Construction Debt
Addressing Escalating Fuel Prices and Materials Availability
Methods of Allocating and Managing Risk in the Construction Context
Tarion Warranty Corporation and the Construction Lien Act
Risk Management and Conflict Resolution
Understanding Your Rights and Obligations under the Construction Lien Act
The Construction Lien Act and the Consultant
Project Management and the Consultant
Contract Risk Management
The Construction Lien Act for the Material Supplier
Bidding & Tendering for the Public and Private Sector
What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You (full day risk management course)
Rights and Remedies under the Construction Lien Act
Contract Risk Management and Changes in the Work
Negotiating and Tendering the Road Maintenance Contract
Snow and Ice Maintenance Contracts and Liability for the Slip and Fall
Rights and Remedies under the Construction Lien Act
The New "Master Format" for Construction Specifications
Recent Changes to Standard Form Construction Documents
Walford v. Jacuzzi Canada Inc.: A Court of Appeal Decision on the Duty to Warn
The Claim for Damages or Additional Compensation in the Construction Context
Your Client’s Claim for Damages for Deficient or Incomplete Work
Debt Collection for Contractors, Subcontractors and Suppliers (Parts I, II and III)
Taking Advantage of the Written Claim for Lien
Considerations for Design Consultants
Raising the Bar on Employment Law Issues
The Construction Lien and Condominium, Townhouse and Subdivision Projects
The Prime Contract and the Obligations of the Subcontractor
Majestic Design v. Bodnar: A Case Study
Aeberhard v. Hardy: A Recent Finding that Breach of the Construction Trust Survives Bankruptcy
Scheduling and Delay Claims (a Five Part Series)
Using the Small Claims Court
The Scope of Work and Avoiding Client Disputes
Insurance Issues: Are You Liable? Are You Covered?
A Whole New Set of obligations: The Recently Enacted Consumer Protection Act
Recent Changes in the Law of Tendering:
Disclosed Criteria, Non-Compliant Bids and The Duty of Fairness
The Scope of the Standard Form Performance Bond: Revisiting Whitby Landmark in the Context of Lac La Ronge
The Snow Maintenance Contract: Managing the Risk of the Slip and Fall
Lien Rights for Maintenance Contractors
What does the New Limitations Act Mean to You?
The ‘Doctrine of Superior Knowledge’: Holding Public Buyers to a Higher Standard in Pre-Construction Negotiations
Mandatory Mediation (a two part series)
A Concern For Occupational Health and Safety
Preventative Medicine: Avoiding Costly Litigation By Preparing For It
Contracts and Changes in the Work
The Construction Lien and the Holdback
The Contractor as Trustee: Beware the trust provisions of the Construction Lien Act
So You Are a Design-Build Contractor: Insurance Issues
The Remedies and Pitfalls of the Construction Lien Act:
A Risk Management Introduction for Consultants, Contractors, Subcontractors and Suppliers
The Snow Maintenance Contract and Liability for the Slip and Fall
Beyond the Design Function: The Design Consultant’s Responsibility for Cost Estimates, Inspections, Site Supervision and the Tender Call
What Happens When Changes are Made? Applying Pre-Emptive Measures for Dealing with Risk
Methods of Allocating and Managing Risk in the Construction Context
30 Quarry Ridge Rd.
Barrie, Ontario
L4M 7G1
Wincey Mills
305-31 Mechanic St.
Paris, ON N3L 1K1
First Canadian Place
5700-100 King Street West
M5X 1C7
2-125 Durham Street
Sudbury, Ontario
P3E 3M9